Financial Literacy + Financial Strategy + Financial Related Determination
It takes time to do this, and it requires access to learning resources, and instruction as well. That is where we come in. If you are willing to dedicate some of your time to learn with us, we will handle the rest.
The Basics
We will review everyday transactional bank accounts, review budgeting and savings goals, process an educational planning worksheet, and review account types for long term tax advantages and performance. We will also review tax rates and tax returns.
Financial Strategy and Investing
This area delves into the basics of investing and seeking competitive returns. We will help you learn how to evaluate the risk of different asset classes, including stocks, bonds, and real estate. We’ll also provide opportunities for you to evaluate real life examples of what it means to borrow smart, and also what it means to borrow not so smart.
Evaluating Risk and Reward
Taking more risk involves the POTENTIAL for more reward. For a young investor there is a danger in having too much confidence, and lost opportunity when you don’t have enough. We will help you strike some balance. Knowledge is power.
Determination to Succeed
We will talk about the psychology behind a determined and disciplined financial plan. You will learn some ideas for maintaining consistency with your budgeting, savings, and investment plan – and also your overall commitment to achieving Financial Freedom!!
Your Journey
Every young person has a financial journey ahead of them that is unique to their own dreams and circumstances. We will help you map that out and develop your own plan – and we will try to customize your own learning experience, in a way that may be helpful to your desired career path.